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National Member Organizations<\/h3>\n

Each IIASA member country designates a National Member Organization (NMO) to represent the nation\u2019s scholarly community, and act as a bridge between their research and policy communities and the institute. There are three types of NMOs namely, national\u00a0 academies, national\/government research funding agencies, and autonomous organizations or committees. Each member country fulfills two main roles, which it enacts through its NMO. The first of these involves the governance of the institute through its\u00a0 representative Council member for IIASA, while the second requires the NMO to act as a link between IIASA and national stakeholders and research communities.<\/p>\n

[\/et_pb_text][et_pb_toggle title=”IIASA National Member Organizations (NMOs) and Council members” open_toggle_text_color=”#000000″ open_toggle_background_color=”#FFFFFF” closed_toggle_background_color=”#FFFFFF” icon_color=”#00589D” admin_label=”Expandable to infinity” _builder_version=”4.9.4″ _module_preset=”default” title_text_color=”#000000″ text_orientation=”left” border_radii=”on|7px|7px|7px|7px” border_color_all=”rgba(0,88,157,0.22)” global_module=”1524″ saved_tabs=”all”]<\/p>\n

On 31 December 2020, IIASA had 24 member countries (two observers and one prospective member) represented by the following NMOs:<\/p>\n

AUSTRIA<\/strong> The Austrian Academy of Sciences (\u00d6AW)
Council Member: Professor Dr. Christian K\u00f6berl<\/p>\n

BRAZIL<\/strong> The Brazilian Federal Agency for Support and Evaluation of Graduate Education (CAPES)
Council Member: Professor Heloisa Candia Hollnagel<\/p>\n

CHINA<\/strong> National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC)
Council Member: Professor Dr. Xincheng Xie<\/p>\n

EGYPT<\/strong> Academy of Scientific Research and Technology (ASRT)
Council Member: Professor Dr. Mahmoud M. Sakr<\/p>\n

FINLAND<\/strong> The Finnish Committee for IIASA
Council Member: Dr. Lea Kauppi<\/p>\n

GERMANY<\/strong> Association for the Advancement of IIASA
Council Member: Professor Dr. Helga Weisz<\/p>\n

INDIA<\/strong> Technology Information, Forecasting, and Assessment Council (TIFAC)
Council Member: Dr. Pradeep Srivastava<\/p>\n

INDONESIA<\/strong> Indonesian National Committee for IIASA
Council Member: Professor Dr. Kuntoro Mangkusubroto<\/p>\n

IRAN<\/strong> Iran National Science Foundation (INSF)
Council Member: Professor Dr. Eaman Eftekhary<\/p>\n

ISRAEL<\/strong> The Israel Committee for IIASA
Council Member: Professor Dr. Moti Herskowitz<\/p>\n

JAPAN<\/strong> The Japan Committee for IIASA
Council Member: Professor Dr. Kazu Takemoto<\/p>\n

JORDAN<\/strong> (prospective member) The Royal Scientific Society (RSS) of Jordan
Council Member: Dr. Amna Jrrar<\/p>\n

KOREA, REPUBLIC OF<\/strong> National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF)
Council Member: Dr. Kil-Choo Moon<\/p>\n

MALAYSIA<\/strong> (observer) Academy of Sciences Malaysia (ASM)
Council Member: Professor Datuk Dr. Asma Ismail<\/p>\n

MEXICO<\/strong> (observer) Mexican National Committee for IIASA
Council Member: Dra. Maria Elena Alvarez-Buylla Roces<\/p>\n

NORWAY<\/strong> The Research Council of Norway (RCN)
Council Member: Dr. Kirsten Broch Mathisen<\/p>\n

RUSSIA<\/strong> The Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS)
Council Member: Academician Professor Vladislav Panchenko<\/p>\n

SLOVAKIA<\/strong> Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport
Council Member: Ms. Anna Jurikova<\/p>\n

SOUTH AFRICA<\/strong> National Research Foundation (NRF)
Council Member: Dr. Dorsamy (Gansen) Pillay<\/p>\n

SWEDEN<\/strong> The Swedish Research Council for Environment, Agricultural Sciences and Spatial Planning (FORMAS)
Council Member: Dr. Ingrid Petersson<\/p>\n

UKRAINE<\/strong> The National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (NASU)
Council Member: Academician Professor Dr. Anatoly G. Zagorodny<\/p>\n

UNITED KINGDOM<\/strong> United Kingdom Research and Innovation (UKRI)
Council Member: Dr. Sarah Webb<\/p>\n

UNITED STATES OF AMERICA<\/strong> The National Academy of Sciences (NAS)
Council Member: Professor Dr. Michael Clegg<\/p>\n

VIETNAM<\/strong> Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology (VAST)
Council Member: Professor Dr. Ninh Khac Ban<\/p>\n

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The IIASA Council<\/h3>\n

As the governing body of the institute, the IIASA Council<\/a> is composed of one permanent representative from each NMO. The Council meets twice a year, in June and November. The Charter, the Council delegation of authority, and Council resolutions, document the role of Council, as well as its processes and decisions.<\/p>\n

The Council is responsible for governance oversight, approval of the institute budget, approving strategies and governing principles, areas for IIASA research, as well as ensuring that IIASA activities are in line with institutional objectives, the provisions of the Charter, and the interests of NMOs.<\/p>\n

The Council elects a chair<\/a> and two vice chairs who act as officers of the Council. Michael Clegg (United States) has been the Council chair since September 2017. Lea Kauppi (Finland) has been the Council vice chair since January 2019 and Gansen Pillay (South Africa) has been the Council vice chair since January 2018.<\/p>\n

The Council appoints the director general, the deputy director general for science, and the chief operations officer who, as the chief executive officers of the institute, are responsible for implementing the research program and managing the day-to-day operations. Council appointed Christiane Pohn-Hufnagl as the chief operations officer who joined the IIASA executive team on 1 July 2020.<\/p>\n

During 2020, the IIASA Council exercised its oversight responsibilities through a committee structure<\/a> comprising of an Executive Committee; a Finance, Risk, and Audit Committee; a Membership Committee; and a Research and Engagement Committee. In addition, an external Science Advisory Committee (SAC) and external auditors provided specialized input to Council.<\/p>\n

IIASA would like to thank the following Council members who left the Council in 2020 for the invaluable service and advice: Professor Mauro Rabelo, Professor Sir Duncan Wingham, Dr. Enrique de Alba, and Academician Professor Anatoly Zagorodny.<\/p>\n

[\/et_pb_text][et_pb_toggle title=”Council Committee Membership” open_toggle_text_color=”#000000″ open_toggle_background_color=”#FFFFFF” closed_toggle_background_color=”#FFFFFF” icon_color=”#00589D” admin_label=”Expandable to infinity” _builder_version=”4.9.4″ _module_preset=”default” title_text_color=”#000000″ text_orientation=”left” border_radii=”on|7px|7px|7px|7px” border_color_all=”rgba(0,88,157,0.22)” global_module=”1524″ saved_tabs=”all”]<\/p>\n

On 31 December 2020, the Council Committee membership was as follows:<\/p>\n

Council Executive Committee<\/strong>
Michael Clegg (Council Chair)
Lea Kauppi (Council Vice Chair)
Gansen Pillay (Council Vice Chair)
Ingrid Petersson
Kirsten Broch Mathisen
Helga Weisz
Christian K\u00f6berl (ex-officio as host country representative)
Kil-Choo Moon (rotating member for 2020)<\/p>\n

Council Finance, Risk and Audit Committee<\/strong>
Ingrid Petersson (Chair)
Kazu Takemoto (Vice Chair)
Christian K\u00f6berl
Vladislav Panchenko<\/p>\n

Council Membership Committee<\/strong>
Helga Weisz (Chair)
Lea Kauppi (Interim Vice Chair)
Ninh Khac Ban
Kuntoro Mangkusubroto
Anatoly Zagorodny<\/p>\n

Council Research and Engagement Committee<\/strong>
Kirsten Broch Mathisen (Chair)
Eaman Eftekhary (Vice Chair)
Kil-Choo Moon
Moti Herskowitz
Maria Elena Alvarez-Buylla Roces
Heloisa Candia Hollnagel
Mahmoud Sakr
Sarah Webb
Xincheng Xie<\/p>\n

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IIASA Research Program Directors 2020<\/h3>\n

In 2020, IIASA completed the 2011-2020 strategic plan, Research for a Changing World. The Institute would like to recognize and acknowledge the research achievements and policy impact that the nine research programs accomplished during this period. In 2020, the research programs were under the leadership of:<\/p>\n